Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Five years!

So last week was our fifth anniversary. We decided to celebrate in a low key fashion. It was wonderful! However, Aaron said that he had a surprise planned for Saturday.

Here were my guesses as to what that surprise might be:
1. A picnic at a park (very typical of us)
2. The Eugene Bite, or the Bite of Eugene, or whatever it's called
3. A drive up the river to hike
That's pretty much all I had come up with. I knew he had arranged for his aunt to come watch Henry for the better part of the day. So I was pretty darn excited.

So when a random lady knocked on our door and Aaron answered it acting like he and this random lady were old friends, I was pretty confused. Who was she, why was she at my house, and why was she acting all BFF with my husband? She said she'd be waiting out front whenever we were ready. So I stuck my head out the door and a big old black Escalade was sitting in my driveway. What the what?

See the pretty car?

So Aaron and I kissed Henry goodbye and hopped in the car with this random woman, which seemed a little sketchy to me, but they assured me that it was the right thing to do. Whatev. I was not about to argue with the woman in the Escalade.

I noticed that Aaron had a little bag of snacks packed. I asked what they were for, and he said we might need sustenance to keep up with our big day of wine tasting! Whoa! My little head almost exploded! That is way fancier than we usually roll.

So we started at King Estate, and ate lunch.
Here's the view outside:

And the view inside:

And us at our super awesome table:

Don't we sort of look like celebrities, a little? We are sooo not this fancy! But it was really fun to pretend!

And our wine tasters - yummy:

And our food! It was fantastic! Aaron had a smoked trout sandwich (which I thought was oh-so-icky but I kept my opinion to myself) and it came with lovely little chippy things:

And I had pasta with peas and mushrooms and goat cheese. Did you hear me? Goat cheese! Excuse me as I drool just a little:
So after lunch we headed to winery/vineyard number 2 (What is the proper term? Is there a difference between a winery and a vineyard? I told you we weren't cool enough to be hanging out at places like that. I bet people could totally tell we were impostors.)

So anyway, stop number two was Sweet Cheeks, and it was just lovely. Here we are:
Then after that it was on to Sylvan Ridge:
And after that Noble Estate:

And last but not least was Sarver Winery:
If we look tired by this last shot, it's because we are. Five hours of wine tasting is hard work. For real.

So then we got dropped off by our personal chauffeur, who was just a riot, btw.

It was like being a famous person. Or a rich person. Or a famous rich person.

So it was a pretty good day. :)

Friday, July 22, 2011

The movie we ALMOST saw...

So yesterday was our five year anniversary (pause for polite applause, curtsies, and bows). So our good friend very graciously agreed to watch the boy for us so that the hubs and I could enjoy a night out on the town. Like, just the two of us.
We were pretty excited about the prospects.
We looked like this:
What should we do with ourselves??!!
After much hand wringing and deliberation, we settled on dinner at Dicky Jo's (a fantastic choice - have you had their milkshakes???) and a showing of the most awaited, the most epic, the most anticipated movie of MY ENTIRE LIFE...
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2!!!!! (I can't put enough exclamation points behind that title).
Seriously. Excited.
So, you might be asking, if I'm such a huge fan of Harry, why did I wait a whole week after it came out to go and see it?
Excellent question.
Here's the answer.
Because I am learning that with a five month old, you don't always get what you want. (I mean you, as in, the parent. The five month old usually gets what he wants.)
We went to Dicky Joe's, and we ate this:
It was wonderful!
I am a big fan of kid's meals - perfect portion sizes!
After walking around a nearby park for a few minutes to burn off a bite or two of the food we'd just enjoyed, we went to the mall to buy our tickets for the movie that I knew I was destined to love above all movies forever and always!
Oh, here we are at the park:
I was prepared to be enthralled with characters I've loved for years.
To be awed by the special effects.
To be annoyed at how the movie was different than the book.
To be thrilled at how my favorite character, Severus Snape, wraps up his plot line.
To be impressed by how they depicted the scene with Dumbledore at the end.
To be super sad that the series of movies was, at last, over.
To eat the Sour Patch Kids I had shoved in my purse.
Our friend called us home. The boy needed us.
The movie watching would have to wait.
So this turned out to be, on our fifth anniversary, another learning experience of putting someone else's needs above our own. For the past five years, Aaron and I have been working to serve, honor, and love each other. Now we have a wee one to practice on.
So. Until we meet again, Harry - don't go out of the theaters just yet.
Yeah right. Like that's going to happen.