Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The drama of the car seat

So we bought a new car seat. Why are car seats so incredibly frustrating? Here are the top 5 reasons:
1. There are about 34,634 car seats to choose from. I have spent literally hours pouring over reviews online.
2. Car seats are important! They are supposed to protect my kidlet - they better be good. I better make the right choice.
3. Cash money, cash money! Car seats are expensive! I'm not complaining - obviously it's worth the money (see reason #2), but sheesh!
4. Installing car seats is always a chore to figure out. Always.
5. Cup holders?! On a car seat? Really?

So anyway. The car seat Henry is cruising around in currently will only last for about 20-ish more pounds, so we figured we might as well start looking for a new one. Now, I realize that it will probably take him the better part of 8-12 months to put on those 20 pounds (right?! I hope he doesn't balloon up 20 pounds real quick like!) but call us johnny-on-the-spot...we wanted to get it done! Probably because the whole process is so unenjoyable...and because the current car seat is borrowed.

So anyway. I did a whole bunch of research online. I always get stuck doing the research. Is it like that at your house? The wife doing the research, I mean? Goodness gracious. Anyway. I read up on lots of options, and settled on a seat from Costco. The benefit of Costco, I figured, was that if we hated the thing, we could take it right back, lickety-split, because of their awesome return-everything-ever policy.


Good thing that stupid seat came from Costco.

It was the absolute worst contraption in the history of mankind.

Maybe a little dramatic.

It just didn't fit in our car, like, at all.

I spent a good hour and a half wrestling that thing into the back seat, sweating, reading the instruction manual, throwing the instruction manual, and calling the car seat bad names in my head. Aaron, being the good husband that he is, was working in the yard. He would come over periodically and check my progress, shake his head, make a comment about how thrilled he was to be pruning the rosebushes, and walk away. So after all my hard work, it was finally installed, finally!! And look! Here is the result!
See? See how far the passenger side seat had to be pushed up? There was no way anyone was going to be riding shotgun, unless they could fold their legs up to their chest and ride that way, which sounds extremely uncool (and a little unsafe).
So we decided to just let Henry ride around like this:
Right? Way easier, cheaper, and cuter!
I am kidding. You got that, right?


And, as an extra TV bonus, I present this picture:
How cute is that? He feel asleep like that on the way home from church on Sunday. Playing with friends in the nursery really tuckers a guy out!

And yes, that's the current car seat. We ripped the new one out and reinstalled the old one.

So we accomplished: zip, zero, nada.

For pete's sake.


  1. I highly recommend the car seat we have. It is 'The First Years, True Fit: Model 630.' Here's a link:

    We have this car seat in tan, and friends of ours have the black one shown in the link.

    It fits the kiddo all the way from infancy to 65 lbs and 50 inches.

    Currently, children are supposed to be rear facing until 2. This car seat does that well. Even with the headrest attached, Liam is able to sit rear facing, behind the drivers seat. There's plenty of room. (It switches around to front facing too.)

    Yes, it does have a detachable cup holder. Liam recently started using it for his sippy cup. He loves having his cup nearby, and I'm glad I don't have to stop and search for it.

    Purchasing this car seat from their website will run you $199, but you have time. I suggest waiting to find it on sale. We purchased it via This is a deal a day website, so you have to check it everyday in hopes the seat will come up. I've seen it a few times.

    I believe we paid $100 for it. Amazon also has the car seat, but it will run you about $150.

    Happy car seat hunting. I feel your pain. And as much as I like how this car seat fits, it's still a pain to get in and out. We leave it in unless absolutely necessary to move.

    One last thing... this seat is very cozy and plush. Liam's made 2 trips to Billings, MT in it and back.

  2. I ditto Anna on the first year's carseat, it's convertible so Kai was rearfacing til he turned 2 and now he's facing forward. If you get the grey one (casino) I think it's considerably cheaper. It fits great in our little dodge neon, even rear facing...although we put it in the middle seat in the back, which may solve your current purchases problem.

  3. oh, megan!
    you are so great!
    i love this & inside i am so glad that i don't have to figure this all out ever again
    (barring any unforeseen circumstances :)

    ride on!

  4. Check out the Graco MyRide 65. The expensive ones are great and I would offer my left arm for a Britax Marathon but after some research and chatting with a friend who is OBSESSED with car seat safety (to the point where they buy used car seats that people are selling online and take them to the dump--cause car seats expire! Who knew?) but they use the Graco one for 2 of their kids so I trusted their opinion. Cost about $100 and has worked great for us. We'll be riding backwards a little longer but will be nice to turn it facing forward until 65 pounds! Also for those big bulky ones, try strapping it down in the middle of the back seat instead of on the side as long as he is still facing backwards.

  5. Thanks for the car seat wisdom - I really appreciate it. It feels like such an important choice! And Katie - really?! Your friends buy car seats and dump them? That is an impressive desire for safety!
