Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Weekend

So it was Easter yesterday - I love Easter so much! What a wonderful reminder that we serve a risen Savior! Aaron's family spent the whole weekend with us, and my family came down for the day on Sunday, so it was a treat to get to have so many visitors to celebrate with! Here are a few pictures of our adventures. 

Here's Henry and Grandpa Chris hanging out on the couch

 Aunt Heather took advantage of a few moments of sunshine to hit the deck. I don't think Henry is quite used to sun yet - being a native Oregonian born in February, he won't see much sun for the first four months or so of his life! 

Uncle Ben getting him hooked into the swing - Henry likes the swing now, which is a good thing, since it allows me to unload the dishwasher, fold laundry, brush my teeth, etc!

My Dad brought the most amazing ham for Easter dinner. And he also throws together a killer meat and cheese tray. It's an easy way for me to spoil my appetite for the real dinner. So since the ham was so good, and the appetizers were so tasty, I just ended up eating, like, twice as much as I usually would. Gotta love holiday meals. 

So speaking of food, I made a triple batch of sugar cookies. I even managed to bake a few, with what little dough there was left after I made it (eating the dough is the best part, right?) Then, we decorated the few cookies that didn't get immediately eaten after being pulled out of the oven (the next best thing to dough, right?) 

Here are my parents hanging out with Henry. They think he's all right. 

Viki and Heather resting from all that cookie frosting! 

So I went to the Saturday Market to get some flowers for the table - love the tulips! And yes, since you asked, I made the table runner. It is two pieces of fabric sewn wrong sides together and then flipped rightside out. It's the only sewing technique I know how to do. I can sew exactly 5 things: aprons, burp rags, blankets, pillowcase purses, and quilt squares. But now, with the addition of table runners, my repertoire boasts 6 items! Yippee!

So I made this pie for dessert. I've made it like, a million times. It's basically a giant chocolate chip cookie in the form of a pie. Aaron and I LOVE this pie. Turns out we are the only ones! Apparently it's too rich and too chocolate-y for people who haven't killed off their taste buds for sweets with too many sugary things like we have. What does this say about us? We should back off on the sweets? Well, that's not going to happen. More pie for us. 

Ready to eat! 

So this is how my Dad spends all of his time when Henry's around. No joke. 

Just hanging out...

And if that wasn't enough Easter fun for ya, how ridiculous are these ears?! 
At first he was like, "Yeah, I dig this, I know I look cute, I might smile."

But that quickly turned to "Are you kidding me? Really? Bunny ears? Get them off, now!"
 Too funny!
Hope you and yours had a wonderful Easter! 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Few Good Pictures

So Henry will be double digits on Thursday - 10 weeks old! How the time flies. I thought I'd just put a few photos up of the past few weeks to show you (all 3 of you readers) a little bit of our daily life. Since I'm home with him all day long, there are a ridiculous amount of opportunities to take insanely cute pictures of this child. Just ridiculous.

So in the morning, Henry and I go for a nice long walk. Unless it's raining. In which case we continue to watch 'Friends' (thanks Eads family!). But in case it's nice, this is what Henry wears. He's nice and cozy in a warm outfit that Grandma Defferding made for him. 

 Then, we usually take a picture on my cell phone to send to my parents, since they live in Portland, which they are convinced is FOREVER away from Eugene, and they want to see him daily. Can you blame them? Truthfully, I'm pretty sad that we're not closer to them and Aaron's parents, so sending them pictures helps us all feel a little better about the distance between us.  I usually spend all day looking at Henry, evaluating when he is at his cutest, so that I can capture it and send it to them. This can be tricky, since he is exceptionally cute. But it gives me something to do, and goals are important when you're home alone all day with someone whose most effective communication technique is spitting up. Anyway, here's an example of a daily update:

Speaking of spitting up, this child does so much of it, with so much proficiency, that if they had awards for babies who spit up, he would win every time. The result? A lot of laundry.

Anyway, there's a great park near our house, so sometimes on our walk we stop and play there. I'm looking forward to him being big enough to actually enjoy playing!

We get quality tummy time in every day, since I recently heard a scary thing about how kids who don't spend time on their stomachs often are delayed crawlers, or don't crawl at all, and kids who don't crawl often have difficulties in reading. So onto his tummy he goes!

How cute is that bottom??

He also loves to spend time on his playmat. He seriously loves that thing. 

Aaron's cousin Rebecca made the awesome Star Wars onesie. Those are Henry's initials on the left side of the shirt in a Star Wars language - I don't remember which one (sorry Rebecca)!  

Aaron comes home to join us for lunch, which is super great. He gets to spend time with Henry, and I get to have a little adult conversation! It's a win-win all around. Here they are enjoying a lunchtime snuggle. 

So that's pretty much a normal morning. Errands, visiting with friends, and naps make up the afternoons. I feel so, so, so blessed to be off work and enjoying this time with Henry. 

Last week Henry had his two month doctor's appointment, which means that he had his first shots. I was really nervous, but it ended up being not so much a big deal. The nurse was really great, and she did all three shots so quickly that they were over before we knew they had started. Henry screamed for a minute or two, and then I fed him and he calmed right down. He was a little cranky that day, but overall, he handled it like a champ. Here are some shots of his shot (ha, ha...get it? I am soo lame.)