Saturday, May 14, 2011

Henry meets the Oregon Coast

So we took the boy to the beach for the first time a few weekends ago. The company Aaron works for owns a condo in Florence and the employees get 3 nights a year to spend there. Isn't that nice? I think so, too. So Aaron had Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday off, which was really great. The whole weekend went really well. We didn't know how Henry would do without sleeping in his crib, but true to form, he slept like a champ. We even got some okay weather! Aaron got to spend lots of time with Henry, and I got to spend a bit of time reading. All in all, it was a super fun getaway.

We mostly hung out at the condo and walked on the beach. One day we walked around and window shopped in downtown Florence. Another day we drove up the coast to visit another city.

Ten points if you can guess what city we visited by the next few pictures.
(Alas, the sea lions were nowhere to be seen during our visit.)
Ten points for you if you guessed Newport!

Here's Aaron hanging out in the condo. Wish you were there, right? I know.

Here's how we bundled up the boy before we took him on the beach for the first time. I promise there's a baby in there.
See? There he is! I told you so.

Aaron was very confused by this sign in downtown Florence.
(Just kidding - we're new parents, but we at least know that kids don't float.)

So this is how Henry looks most of the time in the car. I sort of think he's thinking, "Hey guys, where are we going next? And will there be food there?"
A boy after his mama's heart.

We had some yummy coffee at a sweet little place downtown.

One morning when we got up and looked out the window, it looked like this:

And that made us look like this:

So we hurried to get Henry ready and hit the beach, California-style.
That means there was sun, and you didn't have to wear a raincoat.
Note the string of spitup. It's a constant flow. If that kid stays dry for more than ten minutes, it's a miracle.

We were really thankful for the chance to get away on our first family vacation.
Hip, hip, hooray!


  1. Love this post, Megan!! I'm so glad you guys had fun. I love the last pic of the three of you...Henry is even smiling!! You guys are the cutest family ever.

  2. I love the picture of you lifting up Henry. That one deserves to be framed :)

  3. This post is too cute - and I must agree with the previous comments - I LOVE the pictures of your cute little family and the one of you lifting up Henry...beautiful! Parenting suits you well!
