Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Take me out to the ball game...

So we've been lucky enough to get to go to two baseball games in two weeks!

Our friends John and Michelle invited us to see the Ducks play...someone...I don't remember who...anyway, we forgot our camera and only got this one cell phone picture.
But here's Henry, enjoying the sun.

We also met my parents in Corvallis for a Beavers game. They played, and lost to, USC.

Henry, looking very serious about the loss.

Henry and I got to have our picture taken with Benny.
True to form, Henry had just spit up and was covered in baby puke.

The four of us after the game. It was a beautiful day!

After the game, we took advantage of the weather and walked across
campus to American Dream.

If I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life, it just might be
American Dream pizza.

No joke - it's that good.

Here's mom taunting the kid with what he can't have.
Only a few more years, kid.
Actually I don't know when he can have pizza.
Hand me the mom of the year award.

Here he is thinking about what he gets to eat instead of the delicious pizza.
Bummer, dude.

In this picture I think he's trying to use the Force to get the pizza to his mouth.
It doesn't seem to be going well.

Hanging out with Grandpa.

So how cute are my parents?
Married for 34 years this fall.
I am so proud of them, and so thankful for them.

Me and the hubs.
Also the top of the boy's head.

Yay for baseball games!


  1. He definitely looks happier at the Duck game :)

  2. Liam started eating Pizza and other solids around 6 months. I'd cut pieces very small since he didn't have many teeth. However, at that time formula and baby food was where he got most of his nourishment. Now he's 15 months, and he loves pizza sticks. Basically my dad discovered if he cuts pizza into sticks, Liam has an easier time grabbing them and eating himself.

    Before you know it, Henry will be having his first bites of pizza :)
